Choline, as an integral part of lecithin, is found in all plant and animal cells. From food it can be absorbed in its original form or as lecithin.As a lipotropic agent, choline, such as inositol, methionine, vitamin B12 and folic acid, stimulates the removal of excess fat from the liver. It also has an important function in inflammatory processes. The most important role in the body is to stimulate the production of acetylcholine, a nerve transmitter.
The deficiency is very rare. It is used as a dietary supplement, but also for fatty liver and cirrhosis. We find it in breast milk. It helps create myelin, the protective membrane of nerves and brain cells. As recommended by the Nutrition Committee of the American Academy of Pediatrics, it is recommended as an integral part of dietary supplements to strengthen children.
The best natural source: Eggs are the best food source, especially yolk, nuts and soy. Lecithin is preferred as an oral agent for the administration of choline. In the form of granules, lecithin is an excellent spice for salads.