The body produces endorphins - its own means of relieving pain. Each person has their own pain tolerance threshold. It is important to find and suppress the cause of the pain, which can often be associated with poor eating habits or lifestyle. Frequent use of analgesics can lead to "recurrent" headaches.
Mint tea will help with headaches, detoxification of the body. Peppermint or eucalyptus essential oils can be rubbed on the temples and forehead (never rub pure essences, but diluted in base oil).
Magnesium mineral deficiency is also considered to be the cause of headaches, especially migraines.
Foods rich in B vitamins can provide the ingredients needed to make endorphins, natural pain destroyers. The B-complex will also help in the fight against stress, but also in inflammation of the nerve (sciatica). It is mostly found in unrefined cereals, green leafy vegetables, poultry, liver, fish, eggs, nuts, beans, brewer's yeast.
Phenylalanine is an essential amino acid. It is a natural painkiller. Stimulates vitality, improves memory, relieves depression. In dietetics, it is considered an excellent painkiller (reduces the breakdown of endorphins), because it does not create a habit or resistance, and over time it becomes more effective.
Inflammatory conditions of the joints can be significantly alleviated by natural food supplements such as borage oil or buds and fish oils. In rheumatic pains and arthritis, a preparation of the yucca plant is useful. It contains saponins that are precursors of cortisone.